Stream your Webinar Session
Our webinar streaming feature allows you to easily access informative and engaging content from industry experts, and participate in real-time discussions with like-minded professionals worldwide.
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Web App
Session Streaming
Step 1: How to stream the sessions on our engagement hub platform?
- Go to the Agenda menu at the top of the navigation bar.
- You may find your session by entering the keywords and date, filtering the sessions using the drop-down options, or viewing all sessions to find them manually.
- You can also click the Session tab.
- Click on the Video button to access the media content
*note that it might not apply to all events
Step 2: Next Session/Session Recommendations:
- You can go to the next session within the same track by clicking on NEXT at the top.
- You will also be given an agenda session recommendation
- When accessing the agenda session, scroll down to the Sessions for you section.
Step 3: Engage during the session
Our platform is built to create the most interactive virtual experience so you can also engage with the speakers live via:
- Link to the Presentation Slides
- QnA
- Rate Session/Speakerakers live via:
How to access this?
- Click on the session.
- Click the link button provided in the session.
Step 4: Picture-in-Picture
When you are watching or streaming a session, you can make it a picture-in-picture that will allow you to go to another menu
- Click Minimize Session above the streaming player
- The session will be minimized on the bottom right side.
- Please note that you can only watch one (1) session at a time.
Native App
Session Streaming
Step 1: Access the Agenda on Menu
In the Home Menu, access the Agenda menu to view the list of sessions.
Step 2: Watch Session on the Specific Agenda
*Note: Not every session might have Session Streaming
Tap the Watch Session button to start stream the Session.